Summary: 75 lights provided to identified needy families in the Northern Rangeland Trust area of Kenya (Lewa Conservency)
A distribution of these lights will occur in Northern Kenya where people live in small villages in homes with no windows or light typically made from sticks, mud, or dung with no electricity. The homes are extremely dark all day long. Most homes in this area use battery torches (flashlights) that are very dim or use kerosene for light as well as heating & cooking. Both lighting resources prove to be unhealthy and inadequate for daily living tasks and studying. The batteries & kerosene represent a large portion of their income which leaves very little for food & sustenance. Receiving a light means better education (kids can study longer into the day), more productivity (women can make their beaded jewelry to sell after the kids go to bed & men can farm or fish before dawn without danger of animal attacks), more community (women get together with 1 or 2 lights to do their beadwork as a group), all while starting their journey out of poverty. They will be taught the premise of "old money" and "new money". Old money is what they were spending on batteries & kerosene. They box that the light comes in serves as a "bank" in which they put their old money into every day. They are encouraged to take that saved money and invest it so that their financial situation can improve exponentially. Chickens, goats, cows, camels translate into new money and with that new money comes safety, security, & possibilities. As we teach them to say, "Akaidemi" (It is possible). This continues the Lighthouse Project in the NRT and we will again work in conjunction with NRT & the Rotary Club of Isiolo and enlist 1-3 additional CLubs: Celebration, Thika Road, and Magharibi (all Nairobi). The training & involvement of these local partners insures sustainability and the ability to distribute to even more families in need.
This would be the second District 5495 request by RC Goodyear PebbleCreek and is our second priority for Dist. 5495 funding after our Christmas Food Baskets.
This project is "Paid". This means that the funds from the district have been issued. This project is now being ready for implementation. When this is done, a report needs to be uploaded on the project page and the "Reported" button needs to be clicked, then the status of the project will be changed to "Reported".
Project listed for the 2024-25 Rotary Year.
Proposed Financing
Existing Contributions Towards This Project
Goodyear PebbleCreek (5495)
Project Supporting Documents
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History Log Entries
by Colleen Malany
System Entry: Creation of project page.
by Tom McLarty
Thank you for applying for a District Grant for the D5495 2024-2045 Rotary year. In order to be considered for approval your club need to assure the MOU is uploaded to the documents tab in the District Grants Website. The MOU must be signed by two people, the current and incoming presidents. Since you have submitted two grant applications please indicate which is your first choice.
by Colleen Malany
System Entry: Project sent for club signatures.
by Colleen Malany
System Entry: Project signed by Colleen Malany.
by Tom McLarty
Friendly Reminder: Thank you for applying for a District Grant for the D5495 2024-2045 Rotary year. In order to be considered for approval your club need to assure the MOU is uploaded to the documents tab in the District Grants Website. The MOU must be signed by two people, the current and incoming presidents. This needs to occur before the deadline of May 31, 2024. Also, please note which grant is your first choice.
by Tom McLarty
System Entry: Project signed by Tom Mclarty.
by Tom McLarty
Congratulations! This project has been approved for full funding. We are not certain when the money will hit your account, but our best guess is a month or so. The district has approved the project now Rotary International will review and approve. We’ll send you an update when we have one. Please also remember that you may not spend money prior to TRF approval and reimburse yourself from grant funds. If there have been changes in your bank account (information for electronic transfer), please get that to Lucinda General (District Treasurer) as soon as possible. Your report is due April 30, 2025, and receipts are required to complete the report (not invoices, cancelled checks, UPS shipping labels, or any other documents). Thank you for creating hope in the world.
by Tom McLarty
The district grant process is progressing but is delayed somewhat due to the second round of grant submissions. We will notify you as soon as the grant funds are available. Reminder: No money should be spent until the funds are sent to the clubs. No receipts for spending prior to that can be accepted.
by Tom McLarty
After some delay from RI our block grant was approved on Friday August 30, 2024. The funds should be transferred sometime next week. We will be changing the status on your grant to “Approved” as of that date. As has been stated several times RI will not recognize receipts dated prior to August 30, 2024. Also, PO’s and cancelled checks are not acceptable forms of documentation. Please be sure all banking information is up to date.
by Tom McLarty
System Entry: Project approved by the District Approval Committee.
by Tom McLarty
System Entry: Check for DDF payment issued by Foundation Treasurer.
by Tom McLarty
A friendly reminder: Your completed, signed report form, along with receipts for all project expenditures must be uploaded to this page by April 30. The report form can be found here: It is OK to use the 2024 form.