
Coats & Gifts for Youth





History Logs

Project Description

Country: USA

Location: Loveland, CO

Total Budget: $7,500

Area of Focus: Disease prevention and treatment

Activity Type: Health: General

Summary: Coats and holiday gifts will be provided for at-risk youth in the Thompson Valley School District.

814 students in the Thompson School District (TSD) have been identified as housing insecure. 77 of these children do not live with a parent or guardian and may live with a friend or on their own. Members of the Loveland Thompson Valley Rotary (LTVR) club will partner with Sheels to provide 50 black winter coats and Rotarians will shop for the additional 70 coats in an assortment of colors. The coats will be delivered to the McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Act liaison at TSD, Erica Wooldridge. Erica will then distribute the coats to the neediest students in time for the 2024 winter break.

In addition, Rotarians will choose fifty needy students who have given their holiday wish list to the Peakview Giving Tree for PK-8 students. Rotarians will purchase the gifts and bring them to the club's "Gift Wrapping" meeting to be held in early December. The wrapped gifts will be then taken to Gloris Major, TSD's Prog/Prev Specialist, to be distributed to the children.

Rotarians will be reimbursed from their receipts ($60 per child maximum).

Project Contact Person

District: 5440

Rotary Club of: Loveland Thompson Valley

Primary Contact: Rodger Bailey

Email: rab_bailey@comcast.net

Project Status

This project is "Completed". This means the project has been implemented and the report was accepted by the district leadership. The project will stay listed on this website as a testimony of the achievements of the project partners.

Project listed for the 2024-25 Rotary Year.

Proposed Financing

Existing Contributions Towards This Project





Loveland Thompson Valley (5440)









Project Supporting Documents

Project Photos

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Go to the administration page to upload photos.

History Log Entries


by Jeanne Knopf DeRoche

System Entry: Creation of project page.


by Jeanne Knopf DeRoche

System Entry: Project sent for club signatures.


by Ramin Rostampour

System Entry: Project signed by Ramin Rostampour.


by Jeanne Knopf DeRoche

System Entry: Project signed by Jeanne Knopf DeRoche.


by Randall Looper

System Entry: Project approved by the District Approval Committee.


by Randall Looper


I apologize for the delay in paying your grant. For the first time we received more grant requests than DDF was available. We cannot request the DDF till the report balances. To make that happen we have decided to cut the DDF from every grant. Your DDF request of $5,000 will be reduced to $4,500.

If you have any questions please let me know.



by Randall Looper

System Entry: Check for DDF payment issued by Foundation Treasurer.


by Randall Looper

Ramin & Roger,

Please provide a quarterly history log update on this project.



by Rodger Bailey

System Entry: Project has been implemented and final report uploaded.


by Randall Looper

System Entry: Final report approved by the District Approval Committee.

© 2010 Philippe Lamoise - Website design by Philippe Lamoise, D2G Online