Rotary Armenia International worked with Ciudadela del Sur three years ago, when the Global Grant "ReciCRAI" was implemented. To illustrate, the project was made in "La Fachada", one of the four headquarters that the school had and its main aim was to generate positive peace actions in students from 1st to 5th grades, teachers and the community by the use of recycling as the tool to work cooperatively, embellish the school, train parents to find a new source of income and the awareness of the importance of taking care of the planet. The successful first grant for a Rotaract Club in Colombia was possible due to the commitment of the community and its deep interest in better possibilities for them from peace processes. However, after its result monitoring it was marked that other headquarters had more problematics. After research, interview and polls (attached to this file), it was demonstrated that nationality, gender, sexual orientation and power war were the causes of conflict that usually got students involved in verbal or physical aggression, broking harmony into and outside the main headquarter, where students from 6th to 11th grade studied. "Empathetic" was created to address that conflict in 8 of 22 groups that during the evaluation process showed significant deficiencies in coexistence and educational profile.
Cross-curricular activities are mandatory for any public school in Colombia. For instance, ethics, environmental care, and political constitution, parents' school, chair of peace are part of the process. Ciudadela del Sur for 2024 aims "to have a positive impact on emotions" and "0 tolerance for bullying." Therefore, this project seeks to direct efforts towards this path as implementing Empathetic as a new cross curricular program that trains the school community to manage and prevent conflict with clear steps and measurable results attached to parents' school and chair of peace.
To reduce the difficulties of school coexistence between students of the groups #4 and #5 from sixth, seventh, eighth and ninth grades of the Ciudadela del Sur Educational Institution, at its main headquarter, with 280 targeted students.
-To strengthen the identity, life project and emotional management of 280 students in the sixth, seventh, eighth
and ninth grades through a theoretical and practical training named "Being construction program".
-To establish as part of the "Parents school" already conformed a theoretical and practical program of assertive
parenting guidelines for the 280 caregivers of the students in the groups (6-4, 6-5, 7-4, 7-5, 8-4, 8-5, 9-4-9-5).
-To generate a program of psychological first aid, family emotional management and non-physical or verbal
correctives for students and focused caregivers.
-To install a training care route to improve school coexistence at the IE Ciudadela del Sur, Central
Headquarters, focused on the sixth, seventh, eighth and ninth grades.
-To reproduce physically and digitally the memories of the process and results of the project to share nationally
and internationally in a peace booklet.
Phase I: "Being construction program"
RESULT 1.1. To strengthen the identity, life project and management of emotions of 280 students in the sixth, seventh and eighth grades through theoretical and practical training. 36 hours of training per group (6-4, 6-5, 7-4, 7-5, 8-4, 8-5, 9-4. 9-5) given on a regular basis and with a minimum intensity of 2 hours per week.
1. Self-knowledge workshop
2. Creating a Dream Map
3. Emotion management workshop
4. Motivational talks
5. Conflict resolution workshops
6. Personal Reflection Journal
7. Artistic activities of expression
8. Reflection and Closure Meeting
Phase II: "Parents school and psychological attention"
RESULTS 2.1. To establish, as part of the already constituted parents' school, a theoretical-practical program of assertive parenting guidelines for the 280 guardians of the students in the groups (6-4, 6-5, 7-4, 7-5, 8-4, 8-5, 9-4, 9-5).
20 hours of training for the project's attendants given on a regular basis and with an intensity of two hours per week.
1. Introduction to Assertive Parenting Workshop
2. Active Listening and Assertive Communication Workshop.
3. Conflict Management Workshop
4. Positive Discipline Strategies
5. Empathy and Understanding Workshop
6. Self-Care Workshop for Parents
7. Closing Meeting and Reflection (continued)
RESULT 2.2. Generate a program of psychological first aid, management of emotions in the family, non-physical or verbal correctives for the students and focused attendants. Hiring for two years 2 psychology interns who assertively attend to the diverse needs of the educational community from Monday to Friday part-time (one in the morning, the other in the afternoon).
Psychological care program contracted for two years for two interns.
Phase III: "Peace and conflict prevention program, a formative perspective"
RESULTS 3.1. Install a training service route for the improvement of school coexistence at the IE Ciudadela del Sur, Central Headquarters, focused on the sixth, seventh, eighth and ninth grades. 20 hours of training for teachers and principals of sixth, seventh, eighth and ninth grades, given on a regular basis with an intensity of 4 hours per week for the prevention and resolution of formative and non-punitive conflicts. 10 hours of awareness of the result with the targeted students given by the trained teachers and directors.
1. Theoretical space for teachers and managers
2. Practical space for the consolidation of concepts
3. Formalization of the conflict prevention route in writing to be implemented in the school, as part of the pact of coexistence in type I and II situations, annex with transversal activities for the prevention of conflict and peace in the classroom. (6 hours, virtual and face-to-face tasks).
4. Closing the process with incentives, awards and certification for teachers and principals
5. Facilitate a process of damage reparation and reconciliation among students through work on collaborative projects, promoting the learning of conflict prevention and resolution processes based on the knowledge acquired by teachers in the previous 20-hour training. Subject to change and suggestions after the training process.
RESULTS 3.2. Physically and digitally reproduce the memories of the process and results of the project to share nationally and internationally in the CISUR peace booklet. 20 hours invested in the planning, elaboration and publication of the booklet with 2 participating students per classroom (16 students), 4 teachers, 4 parents, a coordinator and the rector.
Planning, preparation and publication of physical and digital reports of the entire project.
Presentation of the result nationally and internationally (Fulbright and US Embassy as main allies.