The scope of this project is to provide a reliable, safe, potable water supply within the village of Kutsutkao. This village has no system for mechanically transporting water from the river to the village, and has no central, nor individual, purification systems.
The project includes Innovative Water Technologies' (a Colorado based company) SunSpring Hybrid portable solar and wind powered self-contained microbiological water purification system capable of producing up to 10,000 gallons of water per day for up to and typically well exceeding ten years. This system includes a submersible pump to supply water to the filtering unit (run from a self-contained solar/battery unit), a bottle buddy - a water bottle clean/sanitize/rinse station designed to be used with the WallSpring Solar water purification system. The Combo Bottle Buddy cleans, sanitizes and rinses any size water bottle in seconds. Also included will be 100 collapsible 2.5 gallon water carriers for individual families. The water from the filtration unit can either be "pressure on demand", or clean water can be pumped to a storage tank with a level control switch to activate the purification unit/pump.
The WallSpring Solar has no consumables that need to be replaced periodically. It is relatively maintenance free, with only the occasional backwash required. These units have been installed worldwide for over 20 years. Estes Valley Sunrise Rotary members would be fully trained to install and start up the unit and train the locals. Installation is typically done in 6 to 8 hours.
4 Project Objectives:
• Provide Clean Potable Water to the People of Kutsutkao
• Further Empower the Women of the Village
• Enhance Villages Opportunities for Eco-Tourism
• Enable MAANA Chicken Hatchery Project
With Innovative Water Technologies, Estes Valley Sunrise Rotary would be responsible for procurement, transportation to Kutsutkao (fits in a Cessna 182 once de-crated), set up on site, and training. We have partnered with Club Rotario Morona-Macas and Club Rotario Puyo, to be in-country host partners. Obviously we will need some assistance in coordinating logistics in country. We are also partnered with a Tucson based non-profit organization and two Ecuadorian non-governmental organizations Fundacion Mente and Maketai. Timeline for this project is May 2025, depending on project approval. Project funding will come from 3-5 clubs in Ecuador as well as D5440 clubs and private funds.
Several members from Estes Valley Sunrise Rotary Club will go to the Achuar for the installation, accompanied by Innovative Water Technologies who has installed these systems in over 38 countries.